SCV Left's Sudden Emphasis on Civility: Navigating the Consequences of Leftist Policies
Challenging Hypocrisy in Politics: A Critical Look at Kipp Mueller's Alleged Affiliation with Domestic Terror Groups and its Implications for Civility.
It seems like overnight, all the lefty types suddenly care about civility. Hey, so sorry about the house arrest thing and blindly jabbing you with experimental drugs, but in our defense, we didn't think we would be here because climate change would wipe us all out years ago. Also, sorry about destroying the economy; we thought we could print more money to solve all the problems. I mean equity, amirite!?!
We already covered Hindman's call for Civility; she might have some creditability if she was calling for not having civil harassment of critics by anonymous sockpuppet accounts on the Saugus Union Facebook page. Nope, not Hindman; she loves some good old cyber harassment and even put a like on every harassing comment on Facebook. Hawkins is like I got nailed for blocking my critics; checkmate, I will just allow criminal cyber harassment of my critics on Saugus' social media. I am a social media genius and the only Superintendent with their own Facebook page. That is why it's Dr. Hawkins to you, plebs! It is time to get a non-partisan responsible public information officer that can protect SUSD from themselves. Civility denied. Do Better.
Serious question what happened to Gary Horton? Someone needs to go check in on him. He used to be such a good writer, but this thing he wrote sounded like some weird Haku; he titled it "Avoid Extremes and Just Get Things Done." But it was just a bunch of most want this, and most want that... how do you know any of this? Not one supported fact in the entire bunch. Most want facts and not to waste their time with conjecture. Gary wrote the word "most" 24 times. I know you are probably reeling from being unable to yell, "Trust the science," and "Why are you trying to kill grandma" to scare people into Mass Formation Psychosis submission? Let me help you with this; Most want receipts for outlandish claims, not a weird poem. Civility denied. Do better.
Carpetbagger Pilar Schiavo has been working overtime to look like a normal person by throwing out the usual buzzword-filled catchphrases "common sense," "reaching across the aisle," and "is not a partisan issue."
These words are always used to make a politician appear reasonable and down to earth and a poor attempt to make us all forget that at no point has Ms. Schiavo ever had a single independent thought that her political party didn't preapprove; it is forbidden, after all. She is also required by groupthink law to start as many sentences as possible with "As a single mother" and "As a woman" in an insecure and disingenuous attempt to make it seem like she gets it; she is just like you.
She has and will always be the "I support the current thing" simp from having "tears of joy" and pretending that pumping her child with medication without knowing the side effect was a responsible parenting decision to wearing a paper mask outside in the middle of July screaming about defunding the police all the while railing to disarm Santa Clarita who now have a district attorney who got rid of gun enhancements thus incentivizing gun crime. Also, did Pilar just discover wind?
Slapping common sense on bad ideas doesn't suddenly make it a good idea. The only surprising outside-the-box thing Pilar has done is NOT have her pronouns in her Twitter bios. I mean, why does she hate Trans people? She is even throwing out Star Wars references; why are we so divided, Pilar? I am sure it has nothing to do with the authoritarian leftist mobs that show up and shout down anything that isn't exactly what they want. I get it; words are hard, and screaming is easier Civility denied. Do Better.
Then there is the other carpetbagger Kipp Mueller, who somehow beat Pilar Schiavo in the disingenuous Olympics. This guy couldn't even find his district lines on the map, so he moved into the Madisons for a month before realizing he wasn't in the district he was trying to run in. Is this Victorville or Valencia? Don't ask Kipp; he doesn't know. He has all the usual empty bureaucrat markers that Pilar does, but somehow he managed to beat her on the Joker scale.
In the early day of the covid house arrests, Kipp being the good tool he is, went out of his way to defend; shortly after that, there was a teen that passed away in Lancaster; not letting a good tragedy go to waste, the Kippster didn't miss a beat to spread actual misinformation and claimed that he died because he didn't have insurance and was denied care at AV Hospital, This was fake news. The sad thing is this isn't the first time Mueller exploited the death of some minors mere days after moving to Santa Clarita; the Saugus Shooting happened, and Kipp wasted no time pretending he was one of us; that is right after he googled where Saugus High School was, of course.
Kipp is about the whitest guy ever, but he identifies as "hard." He is like a Valencia High kid who listens to rap, pretending he is from the "hood." Y'all better not step to Kipp's Cul-Du-Sac! When churches, restaurants, salons, and other businesses were forced to close because we had to "stop the spread," Kipp was up in Palmdale, standing shoulder to shoulder, helping accelerate the spread and pretending to be a revolutionary, getting every photo op always with his clenched fist up in the air.
Kipp is a lawyer, so he is much more calculating than Pilar Schiavo; he never outright said to defund the police; he just had an hour-long Zoom townhall with the brainiacs at Eight Can't Wait that want you to imagine a world without police. But, of course, we don't need to imagine that because we know what countries run by warlords look like. So Kipp smiled and nodded in agreement, never really challenging these insane ideas, which cities, including Los Angeles, actually did until they realized it was a horrible idea after all the murders spike. How do you know sticking a fork into an outlet is a bad idea if you don’t try it?

So while Los Angeles was burning, Mr. Mueller worked very hard to prove to the extreme left nihilists that he was down for the destruction of this country, which is why he teamed up with Antifa! No, we are not saying that Kipp is rocking black bloc and throwing bricks at police cruisers, but he did work closely with Wade Alexander or, as he was known when in Antifa mode, Cliff Ross. Alexander was Kipp's right-hand man up in AV for his 2020 campaign. Alexander even appeared in Kipp's Campaign Videos.
Sorry, Kipp, you can't simultaneously call for civility while teaming up with individuals from one of the country's most violent domestic terror groups. Kipp Mueller has never denounced any violent acts from the nihilist left; just like Pilar, he is not allowed to have independent thoughts. Condemn all forms of political violence, Mr. Mueller, and then we can discuss Civility in politics. Civility denied. Do Better.
And of course someone with the name Kipp--first or last--is the whitest guy ever.
These people are insane.
It's plain that some of these have officials and associated operatives have been bribed, but are too stupid, conflicted, or both to convincingly follow through in many cases.
I sometimes think that I would rather be trapped in Pyongyang than in certain parts of California in 2023.