GoldiDox and the many lies of Rebecca Hindman
Exploring Rebecca Hindman's many instances of doxing people that disagree with her.
A funny thing happened a few weeks ago; our first Hindman write-up quite miffed Rebecca Hindman, and she threatened this Substack with legal action 😱 This was a terrible move on her part because it forced us to lean in further and take an even deeper look into the twisted and bigoted world of Rebecca Hindman; this write-up was challenging not because it was difficult to find evidence that Hindman shouldn't be anywhere near our school campuses but because there was so much we had to pick the best examples so we didn't waste the time of the fine readers of this Substack.
In a conversation with another Hart parent at Santa Clarita Home And Garden Show, Rebecca Hindman claimed that Accountable SCV calling her out for doxing a high school student is defamation because the information was available on another webpage. First, we thank Hindman for acknowledging this Substack's influence to injure one's reputation. However, the problem with her claim is that doxing is more about the intent of publishing the information rather than the ease at which the information can be obtained. Most people's home addresses, phone, and email are available somewhere on the internet; this doesn't suddenly make it ok to publish this information. The definition of doxing states "to publicly identify or publish private information about (someone), especially as a form of punishment or revenge."
Martha Aguilera, the Hart parent that confronted Hindman, asked some very pointed questions like "What if one of us did something like that to your child and said we could because it's public?" to which Hindman responded, "Go right ahead, my daughter runs [Redacted] club." However, later in the conversation, she contradicts herself by claiming that because of this article, she "found herself having to be afraid and tell her children to be cautious and concerned for their safety." The atypical leftist tactic is where they can act as belligerent as they want for their holy causes, but the minute they are taken to task, shriek they feel "unsafe."
Aguilera asked Hindman, "Now that you know what you know, would you do it again?" and predictably, Hindman let her bigot flag fly by replying, "Yes, I would. It wasn't wrong. And those clubs are full of nothing but hate." So we have a 50-something-year-old "birthing person" who is the Saugus High School PTSO treasurer claiming it is ok to dox high school kids for “reasons.” Hindman shakes when she thinks of conservative kids using their first amendment to assemble peacefully!
The Club that has Hindman's knickers in a twist is Turning Point USA, one of the most diverse clubs on the Saugus High campus. This Club has every color in the rainbow, including the only flavor Hindman cares about, the LGBT crowd; unfortunately, in Hindman's microscopic worldview, these marginalized people don't count because they don't need her. Nothing on this planet triggers a white middle-aged leftist more than a historically marginalized person who doesn't need a white savior. Hindman is very confused that their entire identity doesn't revolve around whatever box they check. How dare they!
GoldiDox Hindman doesn't just target high school students, no siree Bob; she does most of her cyber harassment from an Instagram & Twitter account called "Rise Up SCV." Hindman started this account in June 2020 to support the BLM/Defund the Police riots that cost 25 innocent people their lives. In July 2020, Hindman helped gather supplies for the terrorist organization Rose City Antifa whose mission is to make Portland inhabitable for decent people; This is the same organization that just a year before attempted to murder Andy Ngo, a gay independent journalist who reports on Antifa and has set fire to Government Buildings and Police Stations. Hindman also follows both SCV Antifascists & Conejo Valley Antifascists on Rise Up SCV Twitter acount. We have already established that local Democrat leaders support this terrorist group, so none of this should come as a shock.
When Hindman isn't calling for violent civil unrest or declaring herself a proud terrorist and giving supplies to terrorist organizations, she is doxing community members. Hindman's group typically antagonizes people till they get a response and then cry that someone assaulted them; of course, Hindman videos everything else but never seems to be able to catch all these people attacking alleged "peaceful protestors," the only assault she managed to catch was her people trying to steal some guys sign and ending up in jail and of course, they did nothing wrong, doesn't everyone know only Hindman is allowed to protest?!? What’s the word for a white person that cyber harasses people of color again? Ah yes, white supremacist Biden warned us all about how this is the greatest terrorist threat. Here it is right in our faces; we don’t make the rules, Becky Boo, off to the gulag with you.

It is always the same modus operandi with GoldiDox, someone reacts or does something Hindman doesn't like, and she employs the same tactic that Antifa does, identifying the person so they can be harassed and or assaulted. Hindman is the first to scream; she feels "unsafe." But she has no problem putting anyone she disagrees with, even our students, in harm's way. Hindman has this sense of entitlement to break California Cyber harassment and doxing laws because she believes the first amendment doesn't protect "hate speech." Unfortunately, just like all the other nonsense that comes out of her yapper, speech that she hates is precisely what the First Amendment protects. And In case you didn’t notice, all but one of the people that Hindman doxed was a “person of color” because, as we already pointed out, middle-aged white leftists loath people of color that don’t agree to allow them to be their white saviors.
§ 653.2 PC – Electronic Cyber Harassment Law in California
653.2. (a) Every person who, with intent to place another person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of the other person’s immediate family, by means of an electronic communication device, and without consent of the other person, and for the purpose of imminently causing that other person unwanted physical contact, injury, or harassment, by a third party, electronically distributes, publishes, e-mails, hyperlinks, or makes available for downloading, personal identifying information, including, but not limited to, a digital image of another person, or an electronic message of a harassing nature about another person, which would be likely to incite or produce that unlawful action, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in a county jail, by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment.
Ironically Hindman showed up at a Saugus Union meeting lecturing the community about civility; The chick who put a guy's license plate on the internet so he can get run off the road by one of her psychotic followers is telling everyone to be civil? Civility Denied.
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