Hindman's Board Meeting Meltdown: Unraveling Chaos at the Latest Hart Board Meeting
If you haven’t heard by now, Rebecca “Goldidox” Hindman had one epic meltdown at the first Hart Board meeting of the new school year. Wednesday’s meeting picked up where last school year ended, with most commentators continuing with their same themes except for Dr. Aakah Ahuja, who thoughtfully brought the zombie drug xylazine (street name: tranq) to the Hart Boards’ attention, our neighbors in Kern County are currently seeing an increase in overdoses. Tranq is a veterinarian tranquilizer that is mixed with fentanyl and causes the nasty side effect of the skin of the user to rot. It is a drug that has caused parts of the once great state of Pennsylvania to look like a scene from walking dead. We thank the good doctor for always keeping an eye on potential problems our youth could be facing. Dr. Ahuja has been warning parents about the dangers of the TikTok algorithm for some time now.
Now to our regularly scheduled programming, we got a double dose of the Hindman duo performing backflips in the oppression Olympics. First, Rick Hindman, tries to push the nonsense that this substack made a threat toward Saugus, Hart District, and Hindman herself. This misinformation stems from SCV Antifa tweeting the image below that shows a gun, loaded magazines, and a shirt that says, “This machine kills proud boys,” and another picture of a bullet-riddled target. AccountableSCV retweeted with the following text “Dear. @HartDistrict
& @SaugusHigh
, does @HindmanforHart
seem like someone we should have around our kids? Consider these warning shots fired” We don’t even think one could consider the SCV Antifa Twitter account that is associated with Hindman as “a warning shot” for the district; a person showing this kind of violent political imagery should be instantly disqualified from being on School campuses; it should just be automatic. It was Rose City Antifa that murdered Aaron Danielson in August 2020, the month before Hindman collected supplies for the exact same organization. So no, Rebecca Hindman was never threatened by anyone with a gun; Hindman is literally doing this meme.
Next up, we got Rebecca Hindman herself, who wants rules for parents that bully; Hindman said, “How are you dealing with parents whose behavior is threatening to others including students, teachers, and other parents” and then goes on to say, “Should these parents be allowed on campus if they have made threats to the school, district, or another parent” We couldn't agree more, Rebecca. Should we allow a parent who doxed a student and forced said student to home-school and then bragged about it to be allowed on campus? What about a parent that has doxed multiple community members? Hindman has exactly zero creditability in this department, last week when she had an unhinged Twitter meltdown and started attacking people she believed are connected to this substack, which included a current Hart student with a sock puppet account but was so inept that she used an account that (and we are not making this up) had two followers one was SCVAntifa and the other was HindmanForHart. She is very bad at this anonymous twitter thing.
As anyone can see from the above video, Hindman clearly instigated a confrontation with Martha Aguilera. Mere minutes after complaining about parents bullying other parents and asking that those parents be banned from school campuses. This move mirrors previous incidents where Hindman and company instigates a conflict, makes false claims about the target, and then encouraged her followers to Dox that individual. Suvany Cowie, who filmed the coordinated confrontation before Martha had even got out of the room, refuses to release the video. Instead, like all the other doxing incidents, they make up false narratives; below are screens of Shannon Patricia Laine Gerson, who attempted to make Martha’s response to this unneeded confrontation instigated by Hindman the real problem. But as the saying goes, Hindman F’d around and Found out quickly that Martha was not going to tolerate some entitled white leftist stopping her from leaving a public meeting with her child. What hasn’t been mentioned by anyone is that Hindman was harassing Martha earlier in the evening. This is the same Hindman that claims she is afraid for her family's safety; why would a person who claims to be afraid for their family's safety instigate potentially violent confrontations? The short answer is that Hindman is just a horrible liar; she knows that retweeting gun imagery from an account she is associated with is not a threat. This substack has never and will never threaten violence on anyone; we fully condemn all forms of political violence. This is something that Hindman is unable to say, as she once declared herself a “proud terrorist” along with praising violent civil unrest.

So Martha really has nothing to apologize for; Mike Kuhlman, on the other hand, can’t help but mess up everything he touches. We have seen more than a few email responses from Kuhlman where he attempts to blame “both sides,” sorry Mike, the video evidence tells a different story. Why is Kuhlman running cover for Hindman, following and confronting another mom with her child into the hallway and verbally attacking her? What if the shoe was on the other foot? Would Kuhlman be saying it is both sides’ fault? The video couldn’t be more clear. Martha and other parents now feel unable to bring their children to school board meetings because of Kuhlman’s inaction. The Hindman violent episode should be an instant removal from Saugus’ PTSO.
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