The recent heavy rains in Santa Clarita have exposed the City's failure to take meaningful action and improve its infrastructure to protect residents from the consequences of these extreme weather events. The incidents at the Valencia Travel Village RV park and Placerita Canyon, as well as concerns raised by residents at a recent meeting, all point to the importance of taking action to mitigate the risks of flooding and landslides.
They manage to talk about climate change nonstop in California while of course boasting a slate of unaddressed environmental hazards and apparently expecting gravity to reverse itself and fix most of the erosion issues.
California has even more of a problem than most places with the worst possible candidates for political office reliably winning elections. Adam Schiff should not only be expelled from Congress but incarcerated in the kind of place where the cornhole is constantly under attack, but instead he'lll probably win a U.S. Senate seat.
Spot on. 75% of the water the last few weeks will end up right back in the ocean because the only thing these bureaucrats care about is something called "equity" in 18 months the Governor will come and claim we are in a drought and blame the 1% of water used to water grass. It is pure madness.
They manage to talk about climate change nonstop in California while of course boasting a slate of unaddressed environmental hazards and apparently expecting gravity to reverse itself and fix most of the erosion issues.
California has even more of a problem than most places with the worst possible candidates for political office reliably winning elections. Adam Schiff should not only be expelled from Congress but incarcerated in the kind of place where the cornhole is constantly under attack, but instead he'lll probably win a U.S. Senate seat.
Spot on. 75% of the water the last few weeks will end up right back in the ocean because the only thing these bureaucrats care about is something called "equity" in 18 months the Governor will come and claim we are in a drought and blame the 1% of water used to water grass. It is pure madness.