Goldidox Strikes Out In Court: Chapter 1
Breaking Down Hindman's Aggressive Escalation Leading to the Courtroom Showdown
When I started this Substack, it was because so many people were finally waking up to how poorly the folks making decisions over our lives have been doing. Look at Colleen Hawkins, who seems to be a pro at avoiding any kind of accountability without a single peep from the local news media. And don't even get me started on SUSD refusing to fulfill public records requests and pulling off illegal stunts like deleting emails after just 1 year; I will have to save that for another time. It's quite a shrewd move by Hawkins to dodge any responsibility for turning SUSD into a complete dumpster fire of a school district. For some reason, leftists like Hindman and Shannon Gerson both saw it as their duty to protect people like Colleen Hawkins and would collaborate to get Hawkins' message out on social media.
Let’s Start From The Beginning
Let's rewind to where we left off - Rebecca Hindman causing chaos at the board meeting, picking fights with other parents, and even forcing Mike Kuhlman to leave the dais to step in and break up the drama she created. And all this, mind you, after lecturing the board about the absence of a code of conduct for parents, Classic Rebecca! 🤦🏼♂️ Tell this correctly: we have to go back even further.
March 24: Goldidox wrote on SUSD's Facebook page, "This is not the first time you have made threats, and I suspect it won't be the last based on your notorious behavior." If this is true, why would she engage and torment a person she claims is a threat? She couldn't conjure up a convincing response in court; she seemed to think it was her noble obligation to battle it out with people online, all the while spewing this falsehood in her initial complaint under penalty of perjury, "I have not invoked, escalated to, or in any other way invited such a response, I have only posted my political views and he not only posted this threat but continues to post and have posted this physical threat, through to today." Sure thing Goldidox.
March 26: A domain and blog were set up to cyber-harass and dox me. Initially, I thought this was likely Gerson; later, the behavior of the Twitter account made it very clear that it was also likely Hindman. Most of the "blogs" were just AI-generated nonsense, and the ones written to smear me were very poorly written, just like a certain court complaint. This person also went out of their way to create social media accounts just for little old me.
March 30: Rebecca “Goldidox” Hindman began appearing on the SUSD Facebook page to defend Hawkins. Golidox writes, “You might want to tread carefully. This can be construed as slander.” She then writes, “If you want to continue this unfounded attack, please do, and I will contact an attorney and sue You for slander because what you are stating is a false accusation and not factual.” What does she claim is "slander" against her? Well, let me remind you of my accurate statement – she doxes people in the community, which was accurate then, and that she was Rise Up SCV. And guess what? She later admitted under oath that she is Rise Up SCV, which has doxed countless people. Her lawyer lost it when she told the truth, claiming that she only doxed people because they had committed a crime and she was aiding law enforcement. But here's the kicker – half the time, the police told her that there was no crime committed, and she then criticized that law enforcement and doxed the person anyway. Rebecca Hindman wrote about one doxing incident: “LASD claimed this behavior was 1A. No it's not. This is child endangerment and stalking.” So, the Sheriff witnessed what happened, and she still claimed that all these crimes had been committed. Keep spinning those lies, Goldidox. This early threat shows how hell-bent she was on dragging me into court one way or the other.
June 30: I published the following post, Who is SCV Antifa?, where I laid out the evidence that Rebecca Hindman is likely one of 6 or 7 people who have posted under SCVAntifa’s various accounts. This is really when all hell started to break loose. Antifa has to operate anonymously to be effective; make no mistake, this terrorist organization has protocols; just type in “Antifa Handbook” on Amazon, and you will see several by different authors along with books like the Anarchist Cookbook.
July 1 - July 9: For the proceeding week or two, the SCV Antifa account began an onslaught of personal attacks at me, insisting that Rebecca Hindman wasn’t one of them. Why would an anonymous account care so much? They threw everything they could to get a reaction from me; at one point, claiming that I was wrong and that they would meet me at a restaurant near my house, to which I responded that I wouldn’t want Rebecca to have to drive across town and suggest that we meet at Guido’s in Saugus which is near her house, and she would attempt to frame this in court as stalking when I am just playing along with their game. She ran for public office who doesn’t know where she lives? Every claim she attempted to make in court was my snarky response to one of their attempts to get a rise out of me.
The SCV Antifa account was reaching to get a reaction when I was laughing the whole time. I mean, come on, they're trying to build a legal case against me, and so they bring up my son, who we nicknamed "monkey" for privacy reasons when he was younger. I found it pretty hilarious, actually. My son happens to be a varsity D-line player at the time, holds a black belt in Taekwondo, and is working on his black belt in Krav Maga. If he were 6 years old, I might have considered filing a police report, but let's be real here – he's a certified badass. So, I couldn't help but fire back with a mocking reminder that he's not someone you probably want to mess with.
In her court complaint, Goldidox tried to pull a fast one by twisting the exchanges to make it seem like I was threatening to send my son to kick her ass. She even claimed not to know who I was talking about in her court complaint and submitted screenshots where she conveniently redacted my own words and kept accusing me of threatening her with someone called "monkey," like I'm some kind of mobster with a henchman named "lil Chango."
The image above is what she redacted to change context, removing “you did this to Messina talking about his son for some reason” because it gives context. She didn’t want the court asking questions about what I meant and opening the window to show this insane video of her stalking her opponent’s family, scrolling back 6 years to find anything to attack him. If you haven’t seen this video, I edited it for time's sake, but watch her facial expressions in this video. She thinks this is normal for a grown adult to do and not utterly psychotic behavior.
During discovery, Hindman would send this screen of a weird DM from her to SCV Antifascist; she likely thought this would somehow prove she doesn’t have ties to SCV Antifa when, in fact, it made her look even more guilty.
Let’s break it down.
Knew who my son was: Hindman writes, “Be careful with [redacted], he is now threatening that his kid will hurt me.” So she did know who Monkey was, knew he was a Hart student, and just lied in her court complaint that she didn’t know who he was.
Warns SCV Antifa to be careful of me: Why is she warning and explaining this to the account?
SCV Antifa brought up my son’s nickname in the first place; they would know who he is; otherwise, why would they have brought it up?
My response was back at this account; they would already know everything she is saying here.
Calls them “Dangerous A-Holes: Goldidox goes on to say, “and linking me to some dangerous assholes” Well, intelligent readers of this substack, who are the dangerous A-holes I am linking Goldidox to? Isn’t exactly who she is talking to right here, and now she calls them “dangerous A-holes” directly?
Collaborates with the Dangerous A-holes: She goes on to attempt to collaborate with the “dangerous A-holes” she doesn’t want to be linked to.
I can't make this up. It's almost as if someone had a bit too much wine and decided at 11:09 pm that they were going to 'prove' that she is totally not associated with SCV Antifa by writing the most damning screenshot yet! I couldn’t wait to get Hindman under oath after this came through discovery. When asked if she had ever posted anything under any of the SCVAntifa accounts, she replied, “Not to my recollection,” which is a coached response from her lawyer that translates into “No, unless you prove I did, in which case I will claim I didn’t remember.” She is so bad at this.
Unsurprisingly, she also refused to condemn Antifa because what was Rebecca Hindman doing when cities were burning in 2020? She was promoting a riot gear drive for the most violent chapter of Antifa in the country, Rose City Antifa in Portland, that torched 15 police cars last month. So when this Antifa chapter set fire to a federal courthouse, maybe they were using stuff that Hindman collected and sent up there.

In the coming Substacks, we will review the final court hearings and outcomes, along with possible next steps we would like to take to ensure their consequences and that this doesn’t happen to another family in our community.
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